Dog application formLet’s get started with finding you the right match! I am interested in: * Felix Maverick Future TCSD Program Dog Applicant Name * First Name Last Name Applicant Date of Birth * MM DD YYYY Applicant Gender * Male Female I prefer not to say Applicant Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Phone * (###) ### #### Email * Diagnosis * Check all that apply PTSD Panic Attacks Anxiety Disorder OCD Major Depression Autism Heart Conditions (POTS) Mobility (wheelchair, cane, etc.) Diabetic Have you had a Service Dog before or currently? * Yes No Have you owned a pet in the last 10 years or currently have pets in your home? * Yes No About those Pets * Age, breed, description, etc. Applicant lives in a: * House (owned) House (rented) Apartment Condo Townhouse Square footage of your residence? * Tell us about your yard: * Fenced? Height of Fence? Grass? People Full-Time in your home: * Who lives with you? Name, Age, Job Can you afford an average of $150/month for Service Dog Care? * This includes: food, flea and worm prevention, shots, hygiene, etc Yes No Are you familiar with the ADA laws in regards to Service Dogs? * Yes No I will need educated Where will the Service Dog sleep? * Where will the Service Dog rest? * Where would you exercise the Service Dog? * Briefly, in what way do you think a Service Dog might enhance your life? * What are your expectations for a Service Dog? * Training Will: * Be continued as an Owner Trained Be continued with a private trainer Be continued with an organization I understand that these dogs are sold with limited registration (no breeding rights) * Yes I understand that there may be an additional cost to have the dog transported to me. * Yes I understand that there will be a non-refundable deposit to hold the dog for purchasing and will not be returned to me if I change my mind. * Yes I understand that the remaining balance of the dog must be paid before the dog can be transported or picked up. * Yes Thank you for submitting this form! It may take a few days for us to review and set up our next steps with you. Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.