Twisted Clovers Midwest Twister From TurnKey CGCA CGCGU TKN
Call Name: Twister
Date of Birth: January 8, 2023
Color: Black
AKC Registration Number: SS40928602
Microchip: 956000017794604
Health Tested Parents:
Sire “Cash” - Twisted Clover’s Charming Wanted Man BN CD RA CGCA CGCU TKN
Dam “Happy” - Ridge View Happy Ever After
Grooming: bath monthly, brushed regularly
Weight: 62 pounds
Altered? Yes, neutered
Estimated Value: $6,000
Open to Additional Health Clearances at purchaser’s expense.
Add extended training or task work with TCSD! Additional fees apply.
Canine Good Citizen Title
Canine Good Citizen Advanced Title
Canine Good Citizen Urban Title
Trick Dog Novice Title
Please click each command to see what training and exposure Twister has had for training:
Auto-sit on stopped motion in heel position
Sit on verbal command
Sit on hand motion command
Sit in Heel position
Sit in Front position
Auto-settle down when in same spot for duration of over 1 minute
Down on verbal command
Down on hand motion command
Down in Heel position
Down in Front position
Down in Under position (under tables)
Solid Stay in close proximity to the handler
Solid Stay when handler is 20+ feet away
Solid Stay when handler is out of eye sight
Solid Stay with distractions: food toss, other dogs, toys, public settings
Recall from any distance off-leash
Can be trusted on acreage, open areas, parks, hiking, and swimming area.
Recall around obstacles: tables, chairs, crowds, other dogs, etc.
Loose Leash walking on or off leash
Strong eye contact and check ins with handler
Left side trained
Great movement and bubble during turns and abouts
To put on his vest
Hold it out and he will put it over his head. Buckle his belly strap and go about your day.
To call dog to the Front position
Facing the handler and ready for next command
To have the dog return to heel by moving behind the handler from the right hand side.
To have the dog return to heel by swinging their butt around the handlers left side.
To lay under a chair or booth
Can wear boots on all four feet
Really easy to put them on feet
Easy to adjust, does not chew on them when relaxed
To enter and exit a car
Can ride loose on seat
Can ride loose on floor
Can ride kenneled
Can ride with multiple dogs and people
No sign of car/motion sickness
Does wonderful in tub
Exposed and used to a blow dryer
Hand pulling and rake pulling of hair
Clipper exposed and does well with
Good with nails and ears
Twister is a well behaved boy that can spend his time roaming around the house while supervised. He loves other dogs and cats of all ages and sizes and plays well with children and elderly.
He is currently now allowed on furniture. Is crated during the day when not with his handler and sleeps through the night on a place bed inside the handler's bedroom. Twister has shown great interest in toys and games and has not bothered shoes, rugs, trash, carpet, potty accidents, or destructive behavior.
Twister has been used as a demo dog for our trainer's in-home lesson program. He continues to remain calm, no barks, and confident even when meeting obnoxious dogs.
Twister has been a wonderful neutral dog to others of all ages and sizes. He can be pushy around female dogs in heat, but a simple "leave it" works really well.